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7.2 Requirement to Have an Approved ERAP

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1)For the purposes of subsection 7(1) of the Act, an approved ERAP is required for:

a)dangerous goods that have the same UN number and that are contained in a single means of containment, if the quantity of those dangerous goods exceeds the ERAP index in column 7 of Schedule 1;

a)dangerous goods, in a road vehicle or a railway vehicle, that have the same UN number and that are contained in more than one means of containment, if the total quantity of those dangerous goods exceeds the ERAP index in column 7 of Schedule 1 and are included in one of the following classes:

i.Class 3, Flammable Liquids, with a subsidiary class of Class 6.1, Toxic Substances

ii.Class 4, Flammable Solids; Substances Liable to Spontaneous Combustion; Substances That on Contact with Water Emit Flammable Gases (Water-reactive substances)

iii.Class 5.2, Organic Peroxides, that are Type B or Type C

iv.Class 6.1, Toxic Substances, that are included in Packing Group I

1)For the purposes of subsection 7(1) of the Act, an approved ERAP is required for:

c)dangerous goods, in a road vehicle or a railway vehicle, that have the same UN number, and that are contained in more than one large means of containment, if the total quantity of those dangerous goods exceeds the ERAP index in column 7 of Schedule 1

d)dangerous goods, in a road vehicle or a railway vehicle, that are included in Class 1, Explosives, and that are contained in one or more means of containment, if the total quantity of those dangerous goods exceeds the ERAP index in column 7 of Schedule 1 for the explosives with the lowest index number in that column

e)dangerous goods that are included in Class 2, Gases, that have the same UN number, exceeds the ERAP index in column 7 of Schedule 1 that are contained in more than one means of containment — each of which has a capacity greater than 225 L — that are a single unit, interconnected through a piping arrangement and permanently mounted on a structural frame for transport

1)For the purposes of subsection 7(1) of the Act, an approved ERAP is required for:

f)any of the dangerous goods listed (as items i-xi on page 65) that are transported by rail in a tank car, if the quantity of those dangerous goods in the tank car exceeds 10 000 L

g)any quantity of dangerous goods that are Risk Group 4 human pathogens within the meaning of the Human Pathogens and Toxins Act

2)Any substance that would require an ERAP if its classification were determined in accordance with Part 2 (Classification) requires an approved ERAP if its appropriate classification in the ICAO Technical Instructions, the IMDG Code or the UN Recommendations is to be used under subsection 2.2(4)