Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress
Schedule 1
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- The main numerical listing for dangerous goods regulated for transport in Canada
- Please refer to Schedule 1 of the TDG Regulations
- Columns 8 to 10 are most likely not applicable to your operations, so please only refer to Columns 1 to 7
- Col. 1 lists all the regulated Dangerous Goods in Numerical order by UN Number
- Col. 2 gives the Shipping Name of the Dangerous Goods in upper case letters (capitals)
o Any descriptive text is written in lower case letters
o Note: the descriptive text does not need to be included on shipping papers and packages. However, it is not incorrect if it has been indicated by the shipper. - Col. 3 gives the primary class with any subsidiary class(es) shown in parentheses
o This column can also be used as a guide indicating what labels must be affixed to the package - Col. 4 gives the packing group(s) for the dangerous good.
o Class 2, Gases, does not have packing groups. - Col. 5 gives the special provision (Found in Schedule 2) that pertains to the dangerous goods
o BE SURE TO ALWAYS CHECK THE APPLICABLE SPECIAL PROVISIONS IN SCHEDULE 2 WHEN THEY APPEAR IN COLUMN 5 - Col. 6(a) gives the quantity in either kg or L for each inner container of dangerous goods transported as a Limited Quantity or Consumer Commodity shipment under TDGR Section 1.17
o Note: The quantity permitted decreases with the lower packing group value - Col. 6(b) Provides the Excepted Qty code set out in the table to subsection 1.17.1(2) in accordance with 1.17.1
- Col. 7 gives the ERAP (emergency response assistance plan) quantity limit above which the dangerous goods to be transported must have an approved ERAP filled with Transport Canada
o The quantity limit is expressed as kilograms or litres for solids and liquids, and for gases as the water capacity of the means of containment
o The ERAP quantity limit applies to the row on which it appears
o If no index number is shown in column 7, no ERAP is needed
–Please refer to Section 7 of the TDG Regulations should you require more information