Lesson 1 of 0
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8.3 Information to be Included in an Emergency Report — Road, Rail or Marine

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  • An emergency report referred to in section 8.2 must include the following information:
    • The name and contact information of the person making the report
    • In the case of a release of dangerous goods, the date, time and geographic location of the release
    • In the case of an anticipated release of dangerous goods, the date, time and geographic location of the incident that led to the anticipated release
    • The mode of transport used
    • The shipping name or UN number of the dangerous goods
    • The quantity of dangerous goods that was in the means of containment before the release or anticipated release
    • In the case of a release of dangerous goods, the quantity of dangerous goods estimated to have been released
    • If applicable, the type of incident leading to the release or anticipated release, including a collision, roll-over, derailment, overfill, fire, explosion or load-shift