Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress
Empty Packaging, Container or Vehicle
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- An emptied package, vehicle or container is not deemed to be non-hazardous until it has been cleaned or purged of all dangerous goods residue, as a hazard may still exist
- Applicable safety marks must remain displayed on the means of containment
- Dangerous Goods containers that have not been cleaned or purged, and the quantity remaining is less than 10% of the maximum fill limit of the means of containment, may include the statement “Residue-last contained” followed by the shipping name on the shipping document
- This does not apply to Class 2, Gases, or Class 7, Radioactives
- Once the contents of a container have been neutralized or unloaded, unpacked, cleaned or purged so that there is no longer a danger present, the person performing those actions must cover or remove the dangerous goods safety marks