Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

Markings Types

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There are two types of markings:

Packaging design/specification markings

  • Normally applied by the manufacturer, but are ultimately the responsibility of the shipper
  • They identify the design or specification of a packaging, irrespective of contents, consignor, consignee, etc.

Package use markings

  • Identify the use of a particular packaging for a particular shipment
  • The addition of these markings is solely the responsibility of the shipper
  • All markings must be readily visible and not obscured by any part of or attachment to the packaging or any other label or marking
  • All markings must be:
  • Durable and printed or otherwise marked on, or affixed to, the external surface of the package or overpack
  • Readily visible and legible
  • Able to withstand open weather exposure without a substantial reduction in effectiveness
  • Displayed on a background of contrasting colour