Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Class 7 – Radioactive Materials
(TDGR 2.37)

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  • Articles or substances, which spontaneously, continuously and randomly undergo a process of disintegration and transformation that emit certain types of ionizing radiation.
  • Although it can be harmful to health, none of the human senses can detect the radiation produced but it can affect materials such as undeveloped photographic or X-ray film.
  • TDGR 2.37 Substances with a specific activity greater than 70 kBq/kg are included in Class 7, Radioactive Materials.
  • No Packing Groups or Divisions. However, Class 7 substances are assigned to Categories to indicate level of radiation based on the Transport Index.

Refer to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission’s Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations

Category I-White

Maximum Surface Radiation Level – 5 μSv/h (0.5 mrem/h) Transport Index = 0 (0.05 or less considered 0)”

Category II-Yellow

Maximum Surface Radiation Level – 500 μSv/h (50 mrem/h) Maximum Transport Index = 1.0

Category III-Yellow

Maximum Surface Radiation Level – 2 μSv/h (200 mrem/h)† Maximum Transport Index = 10.0‡

†  Surface radiation > 2 mSv/h (200 mrem/h) must be transported as exclusive use (ref. 533 (c) IAEA Regs.)

Packages transported under Special arrangement will be assigned to Category III-Yellow (Table VII IAEA Regs.)

‡  Transport index > 10.0 must be transported as exclusive use (Ref. 533 (d) IAEA Regs.)