Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Schedule 3

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Schedule 3

Please turn to Schedule 3 (Green pages) in your copy of the TDG Regulations.

Like the “List of Dangerous Goods” in the IATA  (Air) DG Regulations, Schedule 3 is an alphabetical listing of dangerous goods. However, in the TDGR, Schedule 3 should only be used as a reference to look up the appropriate UN number so that Schedule 1 (numerical listing) can be utilized. Since Schedule 1 contains all of the pertinent information that Schedule 3 does not, such as Subsidiary Classes, Packing Groups or Special Provisions.

  • Col. 1A provides a list of shipping names in alphabetical order. The shipping name is in upper case letters (capitals) and any descriptive text is written is lower case letters (and does not need to be included on shipping documents, packages, etc.).
  • Col. 1B the French name for each entry is given.
  • Col. 2 gives the primary class of the dangerous goods. It does not give the subsidiary classes, if any. The subsidiary classes are given in Schedule 1.
  • Col. 3 gives the UN number, if any, that corresponds to the shipping name in column 1A. The UN number is the reference point that can be used to identify in, Schedule 1, the classification elements for the substance.
  • Col. 4 indicates whether the dangerous goods are marine pollutants. The letter “P” indicates a marine pollutant.